Hydrogen car begins operating in Birmingham

Fri 16 November 2007 View all news

A hydrogen-powered car is operating on Birmingham University's campus as part of Birmingham's Science City initiative. The car will be operated as part of a fleet of five cars to enable engineering researchers to monitor the vehicle's efficiency and cost effectiveness.

The Engineer reports that Prof Kevin Kendall, lead investigator from the Department of Chemical Engineering, said:  "By comparing the hydrogen powered vehicles directly with the university's petrol and diesel fleet, we can find out how vehicles will need to be adapted to make hydrogen an attractive and cost effective option as a future fuel."

"Once we have gathered enough information about the viability of hydrogen powered cars, we will be working alongside Birmingham City Council to establish whether a hydrogen powered fleet would be practical for their waste, transport and other vehicles and how this transition could be managed."

The research is part of the Hydrogen Energy Project which has received funding of £6.3m from Regional Development Agency Advantage West Midlands to develop the use of hydrogen energy and is a part of the overall Birmingham Science City initiative.

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