Greener Transport Solutions webinar series begins on 6 September
Tue 31 August 2021
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Transport is the fastest growing source of global greenhouse gas emissions and the biggest emitting sector of the UK economy. As hosts of the COP26 UN climate summit in November the UK will need a credible plan for decarbonising transport. Our thinking needs to change if we are to rise to the scale of the challenge.
Join us at our webinar series which will consult widely on the five key themes that emerged in the recent publication Rising to the Challenge: Achieving net zero will require new thinking, creative solutions and systemic change.
- The decarbonisation of transport will involve changes to the wider economy.
- Technical solutions will be insufficient, we also need behaviour change.
- Fares and taxes should encourage people to make lower carbon travel choices.
- We must ensure a fair and just transition to net zero.
- Greater devolution will be a key driver of decarbonisation.
Hosted by Greener Transport Solutions, Addleshaw Goddard, Transport Times, Foundation for Integrated Transport & The Transport Knowledge Hub, the events will bring together leading academics, politicians, business leaders, consumer groups and think tanks to discuss what is needed to decarbonise transport. Experts will discuss and respond to questions from the Greener Transport Council.
The series will culminate in the publication of ‘A Manifesto for Decarbonising Transport’ to be published in the Autumn 2021.
The organisers are seeking stakeholder responses to a short survey which will inform discussions at the event.
Webinar 1: Monday 6 September, 9.30 – 11.45
Not the journey but the destination: how our whole economy needs to change
Chaired by
Professor Peter Jones, Professor of Transport and Sustainable Development, UCL
Keynote speaker
The Rt Hon. Lord Deben, Chair, Committee for Climate Change
Members of the Greener Transport Council
Professor Glenn Lyons, Mott MacDonald Professor of Future Mobility, UWE
Professor Greg Marsden, Professor of Transport Governance, University of Leeds ITS
Paul Campion, Chief Executive, TRL
Claire Haigh, Chief Executive, Greener Transport Solutions
Victoria Hills, Chief Executive, Royal Town Planning Institute
Paul Hirst, Head of the Transport Sector Group, Addleshaw Goddard
Expert speakers
Professor Alan McKinnon, Professor of Logistics, Kuehne Logistics University, Hamburg
Professor John Whitelegg, Senior Fellow, Foundation for Integrated Transport
David Brown, Chief Executive, Go-Ahead
Jonny Mood, Director of VFM, National Audit Office
Lauren Pamma, Programme Director, Green Finance Institute
Webinar 2: Thursday 9 September, 9.30 – 11.45
How the Government can support technical and policy solutions to encourage people to make lower carbon travel choices (Including Zemo Partnership's CEO, Andy Eastlake)
Webinar 3: Monday 13 September, 9.30 – 11.45
The role of localism in ensuring a fair and just transition to net zero and driving decarbonisation
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