Government publishes Freight Carbon Review; focus on cutting emissions from trucks

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Fri 10 February 2017 View all news

The Government has published its Freight Carbon Review, which brings together evidence on the opportunities for and barriers to reducing road freight greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). The report identifies a range of government and industry-led emissions reduction options and outlines a number of measures that the government will put in place to support the road freight industry in reducing GHGs.

Heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) are estimated to account for around 17% of UK greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from road transport and around 21% of road transport NOₓ emissions. 

The Freight Carbon Review will inform the Government’s ‘Emissions Reduction Plan’, which will set out how it intends the UK to reduce GHG emissions through the 2020s. It will also support the development of further measures on air quality under the forthcoming ‘Air Quality Plan’.

Responding to the review Andy Eastlake, Managing Director of the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership (LowCVP) said: “The LowCVP very much welcomes the publication of the Freight Carbon Review.  

“The relative contribution of the commercial vehicle sector to total emissions has been growing but it has not, until now, had the same level of focused support as the car or bus sectors (or, indeed, walking and cycling). It provides some of the best opportunities for innovative solutions to make an impact on carbon dioxide emissions. 

“The Partnership has been working closely with the Department for Transport to develop the data and benchmarks necessary to provide ‘building-blocks’ for effective policy in this area. We will continue to work with the Government and industry to support the further roll-out of the HGV accreditation scheme and other policy mechanisms that may be associated with it in future. 

“We have already held several events and activities to renew stakeholder focus on low emission freight transport (some in association with TfL’s LoCITY initiative) and have re-established the LowCVP’s Commercial Vehicle Working Group which will hold its first full meeting on 1 March in Birmingham.”

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