Government opens consultations on proposals to implement transport elements of RED and FQD

Fri 11 March 2011 View all news

Consultations on proposals to implement the transport elements of the Renewable Energy Directive and the greenhouse gas saving elements of the Fuel Quality Directive have been opened by the Government.

The Transport Minister, Norman Baker said in a statement: "Biofuels have an important role to play in efforts to tackle climate change, particularly where there is no viable alternative fuel on the horizon, as is the case with aviation and HGVs. In addition, they also have a role to play in promoting the security of energy supply. But we firmly believe that the potential carbon benefits of biofuels can only be realised if they are produced in a sustainable way."

Mr Baker added: "Much work is underway to better understand indirect sustainability effects. It is crucial that we establish strong sustainability criteria and a robust lifecycle carbon analysis to ensure first that biofuels deliver real greenhouse gas reductions and second, do not cause unacceptable environmental side effects in the process".

The Department for Transport is in the process of planning an open meeting to discuss the consultations. The meeting will focus on introducing the main proposals and will draw attention to certain issues raised in the consultations where comment and input is sought. The DfT expects to hold the meeting shortly.

You may also be interested to see the Written Ministerial Statement laid recently by transport minister Norman Baker.

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