Government announces terms of reference of the King Review of low carbon cars

Tue 03 April 2007 View all news

The King/Stern Review of road transport will examine vehicle and fuel technologies which could help to decarbonise road transport over the next 25 years. The terms of reference for the initiative, which was announced in last month's Budget, were released on the Treasury's website.

The review will be led by Professor Julia King, Vice-Chancellor of Aston University and former Director of Advanced Engineering at Rolls-Royce plc. Professor King will work with Sir Nicholas Stern to build on the work of the Energy White Paper and the Government's Low Carbon Transport Innovation Strategy and the TSB's Innovation Platform for Low Carbon Vehicles.

The study will consider the existing evidence and examine the most cost effective ways of decarbonising the road transport sector.

The Treasury's website says: "The Review will take account of UK capabilities in R&D, design and development and pay particular attention to the competitiveness of UK manufacturing sector. It will assess the scope for the UK automotive and fuels/energy sector to benefit from the transition to a decarbonised road transport system, how a shift in favour of lower carbon vehicle options can be achieved and how best to influence the global adoption of lower carbon technologies, including in the most rapidly expanding vehicle markets around the world."

An initial report is expected to be available by the time of the Pre-Budget Report 2007 and the Government says that it anticipates using the report's recommendations to refresh and refine its strategy.


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