Global Green Challenge - the 'ultimate eco-rally' - to start in Darwin on October 25
Thu 25 June 2009
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The Global Green Challenge, an evolution of the internationally recognised World Solar Challenge, is an event which will present hybrid, electric, solar, low emission, and alternative fuel vehicles in what the organisers are billing at 'the ultimat eco-rally'. The event is scheduled to begin in Darwin, Australia on 25 October.
The trans-continental adventure will begin in Darwin, just 12 degrees south of the equator, and will travel through some of the world’s harshest environmental conditions to finish in Adelaide some 3000km to the south.
Experimental solarcars, pursing the ultimate efficiency in electric vehicle technology, will run in a singe ‘energy management’ stage under the established regulations of the International Solar car Federation, the competition for production, modified production and prototype vehicles will as an Eco Rally under the internationally agreed metrics of the FIA Alternative Energies Commission.
Run under seven stages including a full day ‘Urban Cycle’ the event will provide a framework for ‘real world’ motoring measurements. Fuel consumption, emissions and energy equivalencies will be measured, with rally style minimum stage times and technical scrutiny to ensure fairness and consistency.
A large media contingent is preparing to travel with the event, and a full scale feature documentary is being produced.
The event is expected to take place over a week. Further details and information about the event for those interested in taking part, or finding out more, are contained on the Global Green Challenge website - see the associated link.
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