GHG emissions from transport could fall 89% by 2050 - EC report
Fri 03 September 2010
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Greenhouse gas emissions from transport in the EU could be reduced by 89% by 2050 compared with 1990 levels if all the options currently available are embraced with bold ambition, new research prepared by AEA for the European Commission shows.
In the final report of a project set up by the European Commission to explore emission-reduction pathways for transport to 2050, a research consortium led by consultancy AEA confirms that the transport sector can help the EU cut emissions by 80-95% by 2050.
To meet an 89% cut this will mean all technical options – biofuels, vehicle energy efficiency improvements, increased use of hydrogen and electricity – need to be exploited. Together, they could cut emissions by 36% below 1990 levels by 2050.
To get from 36% to 89%, non-technical measures are essential. This includes optimising routes, maximising vehicle use, better spatial planning and lower speed limits. It also requires economic instruments that create a level playing field across all transport modes, internalising external costs and removing existing subsidies.
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