European leaders ratify 10% biofuels target; EC announces consultation on biofuels sustainability

Sat 21 April 2007 View all news

The heads of Europe's member states have ratified the European Commission's January proposal for a commitment for biofuels to comprise at least 10% of the road fuels market by 2020. In a related development, the European Commission has launched a consultation on the issues surrounding the proposals to incorporate the biofuels - and broader renewable energy - targets into legislation.

While the 27 leaders of Europe's member states did agree on the 10% biofuels target, they said the binding nature of the target will be dependent on production being sustainable, second-generation biofuels being available and on there being successful amendments to the fuel quality directive.

Approval for the biofuels target last January was overshadowed by the agreement at the European summit for a 20% reduction in the EU’s overall carbon dioxide emissions between 1990 and 2020.

Meanwhile, the European Commission has launched a consultation to discuss how the renewable energy and biofuels targets should be incorporated into legislation. 

The Commission says that it would like to know the views of public authorities, businesses, non-governmental organisations and other interested parties on the following questions:

 - How should a biofuel sustainability system be designed?
 - How should overall effects on land use be monitored?
 - How should the use of second-generation biofuels be encouraged?
 - What further action is needed to make it possible to achieve a 10% biofuel share?

The consultation will run until June 4th. (See adjacent link)

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