European emissions regulation will significantly cut motorists' costs - study

Fri 11 May 2012 View all news

Motorists annual fuel costs will fall by nearly a quarter (£382) on average by 2020 if plans to introduce a mandatory fuel efficiency target of 95g CO2/km for new cars is introduced in Europe. If the target is tightened to 60g/km by 2025, fuel costs would fall by a total of 45%; a figure which could be highly significant given projected increases in the price of oil.

The report was prepared by Malcolm Fergusson (formerly of the Environment Agency) for Greenpeace. The report looks at various scenarios for the UK based on differing emissions reductions technologies and different future fuel prices. The author calculates that the average British motorist could, by 2015 be saving £167 a year and, with a 95g/km target for 2020, £382 by 2020, and £682 by 2030.

A 70g/km target for 2025 would deliver £912 annual savings for motorists by 2030. 

Greenpeace spokesperson Franziska Achterberg, said: “The lesson from these figures is clear. A weakened law will pile hundreds of Euros extra on drivers' fuel bills, while a strong one will do a lot to shield them from rocketing fuel prices.”

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