European Commission publishes communication on 'a sustainable future for transport'

Thu 18 June 2009 View all news

The European Commission has published a Communication on the future of EU transport policy which will form the basis of a white paper on future transport policy to be issued in 2010. The Communication says that future sustainability requires the identification of environmental challenges and the implementation of solutions through an acceleration of investment in innovation and technology. The Commission is inviting feedback on the Communication.

Entitled "A sustainable future for transport: towards an integrated, technology-led and user friendly system", the Communication identifies the importance of reducing the consumption of non-renewable energy sources in order to create a sustainable transport system.

Responding to the Commission's publication, the Brussels-based NGO Transport and Environment said that the paper completely underestimates the challenges and proposes no concrete solutions.

T&E's Director, Jos Dings, said: "If this is the strategy for fixing rapidly growing pollution, congestion and accidents caused by transport, then we have a big problem: it doesn't even scratch the surface."

"Climate change, Europe's flagship environmental policy, is mentioned only in passing, despite the fact that transport is the single most important sector holding back progress."

He added: "The only positive aspect of this paper lies in the recognition that technological leadership in environmental technology will benefit the European economy, not drag it down, as has often been said in the past."

The Commission is inviting stakeholder views on further possible policy options, which should be received by the Commission before 30 September 2009.

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