European Commission considering 70g/km average limit for cars in 2025 amongst other proposals

Fri 13 January 2012 View all news

The European Commission plans to take further initiatives on low carbon transport in 2012 as part of the EU's strategy for clean and energy efficient vehicles. One of the options under discussion is to set a limit of a 70g/km CO2 average for 2020.

A recent Commission Staff Working Paper: "A European strategy for clean and energy efficient vehicles" includes discussion about setting post-2020 CO2 targets for new cars. One option would be to set  70g/km limit to be met by 2025, as suggested by the European Parliament in a 2007 resolution.

Any legislative proposal will, however, undergo a thorough impact assessment, the Commission points out.

The report also reviews progress made since the launch of the clean vehicles strategy and highlights measures foreseen this year. A final review scheduled for 2014 will recommend further actions.

Other initiatives in 2012 include a proposal to reduce the impacts of mobile air conditioning systems and voluntary rules on the marketing of green vehicles. A study assessing the feasibility of achieving a 2020 limit of 147g/km for vans is also due in mid-2012. A similar study for cars was issued late last year.

Rules on eco-innovations for vans, on derogations for small manufacturers and on a method for the collection of fines for both car and van makers are will also due to be adopted this year.

In other areas, the commission will present the findings of a study assessing the implementation of EU rules on CO2 labelling for cars.

A research project will also be launched to better understand consumers' expectations when buying clean vehicles.

This year will see the launch of a long-term strategy on alternative fuels for the entire transport sector. And the EU type-approval framework for electric cars, which will become mandatory for new cars in 2014, will soon be completed. Regulatory action on rechargeable energy storage systems is also anticipated.

The report reviews progress made in a number of other areas such as noise reduction and lorries. A legislative proposal to reduce CO2 emissions from heavy duty vehicles is due in 2013. A 2011 consultancy study suggesting several policy options has shown these emissions may only be reduced slightly by 2030 compared with today's levels.

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