EUCAR outlines R&D needs to speed electric vehicle introduction in new report

Sat 08 August 2009 View all news

The European Council for Automotive R&D (EUCAR) has responded to the European Commission's support for the introduction of electric vehicles by publishing a report which outlines the requirements for further R&D to hasten their widespread appearance in the market.

Responding to the European Commission’s Green Car Initiative - a €5 billion public-private partnership programme - the EUCAR report proposes themes for R&D spending for the short, medium and long-term deployment of electric vehicles in Europe.

The Green Car Initiative complements the European Clean Transport Facility, which was established to provide loans and guarantees through the European Investment Bank for more immediate financial relief to the sector.

The EUCAR report aims to help ensure that future work on vehicle technologies is co-ordinated and in collaboration with the development of “a compatible infrastructure for energy sources and future fuels, as part of a comprehensive mobility strategy”.

To download the report, please follow the associated link.

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