EST launches new video guide to realities of electric vehicle adoption
Mon 26 September 2011
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The Energy Saving Trust (EST) has published a new video guide - 'Living with an electric car' - which highlights the real world benefits and limitations of electric vehicle ownership.
The guide, which is presented by Robert Llewellyn of Red Dwarf and Scrapheap Challenge fame, also tackles concerns around charging, range and cost offering a realistic and in-depth review of the viability of electric cars from a leading independent and impartial organisation.
The guide highlights potential running cost savings from going electric. It says that driving a small family hatchback with an efficient diesel engine would cost about £4,200 +VAT in diesel at current fuel costs to drive 10,000 miles per year for 4 years. However, a similar sized electric car would cost around £960 +VAT at current electricity prices; assuming half of the electricity is provided through an “economy 7” or similar tariff.
It also identifies other potential cost savings, including in Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) and parking and access charges such as the London congestion charge (currently at least £9 a day).
The aim of the video is to provide a resource for individuals and business users alike which will inform and educate them about electric vehicles. Living with an electric car covers everything from how to charge your car, and the financial benefits of owning one, to the electric driving experience itself.
Meanwhile, new research by the EST has shown that the range of an electric car can be increased by an average of 20% if the driver changes their driving technique. The Smarter Driving pilot programme highlighted that training drivers to drive more effectively could save energy and significantly increase their electric vehicle’s range.
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