EPRSC and TSB announce £3m call for future low carbon road transport project proposals

Mon 10 August 2009 View all news

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council is inviting outline proposals for small-scale, short-term feasibility projects to explore technologies that might contribute to reducing CO2 emissions from the UK road transport and also provide incentives for the uptake of low carbon vehicles. The call is being run in conjunction with the Technology Strategy Board’s Integrated Delivery Programme (IDP).

A release from EPSRC has said submissions should initially take the form of project outlines. Should these be successful, applicants will be invited to submit a full, more detailed proposal. Subject to the quality of the submissions received up to £3 million is available for this call which is intended to support projects of between 12 and 18 months duration. The technical scope of the call is limited to the topic outlines below which have been chosen following the recent NAIGT review.

- Technologies for high efficiency internal combustion engines, e.g. fuel injection equipment, air handling, thermal management, alternative combustion modes. 
- Electric motors and power electronics 
- Light weighting, e.g. smart components, smart materials
- Vehicle-based control systems, e.g. powertrain, energy management, driver information, advanced system optimisation, autonomous vehicle control

Industrial project collaborators are not expected to be involved in proposals submitted under this call. the closing date for proposals is 4pm Tuesday 22 September 2009.

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