Ensus study looks at biofuels production impact on land use

Sat 09 January 2010 View all news

A report by biofuels producer Ensus Ltd has concluded that for EU cereals production, about three quarters of incremental output growth will be delivered by yield growth, with the remainder being met by crop area growth.

The study, published in Global Change Biology journal says the relative contributions of changes in yield and land area to increased crop output depends on the relative economics of yield growth and land conversion and varies between crops and regions.

The study says that any evaluation of the land use consequences of new demand for biofuel crops must properly account for the yield increases that such demand can be expected to stimulate.

Ensus says that evidence-based research and analysis, subjected to independent scientific review, is essential for modelling the effects of increased biofuel production and to the formulation of policies for biofuels.

To view the study, follow the associated link. 

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