Ensus signs deal to supply bio-refinery CO2 output to Yara International

Mon 23 June 2008 View all news

The Ensus Group has entered into a long-term partnership agreement with Yara International ASA for the supply of carbon dioxide from Ensus' bioethanol refinery in Teesside to meet Yara's needs in its UK food and beverage businesses.

Yara says that its new  EUR 30 million liquid CO2 facility will be constructed next to the Ensus wheat refinery and will begin operations from mid-2009. The plant will have an annual liquid capacity of 250,000 tons, enabling Yara to continuously supply a growing number of customers in the UK with CO2 from the new plant, the existing plant in Billingham and the Thames terminal.

According to Ensus, the agreement means that all of the CO2 outputs of their bioethanol facility will be used either for fuel or as a contribution to food production.

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