EEA publishes 2015 CO2 emissions data from new vans

Tue 17 May 2016 View all news

The European Environment Agency (EEA) reported that in 2015 the level of CO2 emissions from vans reached its lowest annual reduction since 2012, falling by less than one gramme per kilometre (gCO2/km).  The average van registered in 2015 emitted 168.2 g CO2/km which is 0.9 g less than in 2014. The EEA says however that while the annual reduction is small, emissions are nevertheless below the EU’s 2017 target of 175 g CO2/km with the target met in 2013. Further efficiency improvements still need to be achieved to reach the EU’s target of 147 g CO2/km set for 2020.

According to the EEA, It has not yet been confirmed whether different manufacturers have met their own specific annual targets, based on the average weight of the light commercial vehicles they sell. Part of the reason for the small annual reduction observed in 2015 was due to regulatory changes in France. Companies can no longer register company cars as light commercial vehicles as a result of which the share of lower emitting vehicles in the total number of newly registered vans in France has decreased. 

With the shortcomings of the current test procedures recognised by the EC, a new procedure - the ‘Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure’ (WLTP) - will be introduced in the future so that laboratory results better represent actual vehicle performance on the road. However, the date of its introduction remains to be decided. LowCVP is working with manufacturers to prepare for the impact of this procedure on marketing and labelling. 

In the EU in 2015 a total of 1.5 million new vans were registered, a 2% increase on the previous year. The average fuel-efficiency of new vans varied widely across member states due to the different models and sizes of vehicles sold in each country. Average emissions were lowest in Portugal, Cyprus and Bulgaria, and the highest in Slovakia, Germany and the Czech Republic.

The agency reported that new passenger cars emitted on average 119.6 g CO2/km, 8% below the official EU target set for 2015. 

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