EC publishes rules on intelligent transport systems

Mon 02 August 2010 View all news

A directive governing the use of intelligent transport systems (ITS) in road transport has been published by the European Commission. The rules, intended to reduce congestion and cut CO2 emissions must be transposed into national law by 27 February 2012.

According to the Commission, "the deployment and use of ITS applications and services, and notably traffic and travel information services, will entail the processing and use of road, traffic and travel data forming part of documents held by public sector bodies of the Member States."

The European Commission is required to adopt specifications for the interoperability of ITS systems. It must adopt specifications in at least one of four priority areas by the end of February 2013. These priority areas are specified in annex 1 of the directive.

Member states must submit a report on their activities in the four areas by 27 August 2011. They must then report further progress every three years. The law was published following MEPs endorsement of a second reading agreement in July.

For more information, please see the associated link to the Directive document.

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