EC announces €40m funding in projects to cut CO2 emissions from vehicles

Mon 24 August 2009 View all news

The European Commission, announcing its transport work programme for 2009-10, says there will be a total of €40 million allocated to its 'green cars' initiative. The Commission is proposing a fund to enable investment in projects aiming to cut vehicle CO2 emissions as public-private partnerships. Funding for road transport projects in 2010 under the FP7 R&D programme will focus on the electrification of road transport and research into hybrid technologies.

This programme will focus on:
Electrical machines
Integrated electric auxiliaries and on-board systems
Optimised thermal engine development and integration
Smart storage integration
Advanced electric vehicle concepts
Implementing Public-Private Partnership in the ‘European Green Cars Initiative’
Raising awareness of potential job opportunities related to the electrification of road transport
Green Cars - Integrated EU demonstration project on electromobility
Materials, technologies and processes for sustainable automotive electrochemical storage applications
In addition the programme includes areas such as ‘Alternative fuels in transport’, and points on intermodal shift.

In 2011, the Commission will be focusing on projects that look into research surrounding trucks, internal combustion engines, logistics and intelligent transport systems. The Commission also indicated that a joint call on “smart grid and recharging systems” could be announced in 2011.

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