DfT unveils sustainable transport research priorities for 2008-9

Fri 09 May 2008 View all news

The Department for transport has announced its funding priorities for 2008-9 to support sustainable transport research. Funded research will cover public attitudes to climate change, new approaches to transport appraisal and competitiveness impacts.

The Transport Minister, Rosie Winterton, made the announcement  at a transport conference in York. She said that the areas of focus will provide analysis to support the delivery of: 'Towards a Sustainable Transport System'.

The main areas of research focus will be:

* A continuation of the six-monthly monitoring of public attitudes to climate change to inform Government's sustainable transport policy development.

* Research to inform the refresh of the New Approach to Transport Appraisal (NATA), including a review of how the environmental, economic and social impacts of transport are appraised within this guidance.

* Research to assess transport's impact on the UK's international competitiveness, as highlighted in the Eddington Study.

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