DfT publishes biofuels carbon calculator tool

Tue 30 April 2013 View all news

The DfT has published an on-line calculator that allows fuel suppliers to calculate the carbon saved on a batch of fuels, as an alternative to looking up values in the carbon and sustainability (C&S) guidance tables. The DfT expects that the calculator should reduce the potential for errors.

The carbon calculator is a standalone programme that contains default values for the carbon emissions associated with various types of biofuels. What it can do:

• calculate the carbon intensity of your biofuel on a consignment basis as required by the administrator
• includes all the biofuels, feedstocks and biofuel production processes listed in RED annex V and includes every default and input value within the calculations
• includes emissions from cultivation by NUTS2 region and biofuel feedstock
• generate monthly reports as a CSV file that can be uploaded to ROS to comply with C&S reporting requirements
• load a project file from, for example, a biofuel producer into the system and retain any information they provide such as data references, batch numbers etc
• can be run “offline” so that all of the users consignments will be stored on their own PC - not all information (eg nitrogen inputs) has to be passed on to the next supplier in the supply chain (but can be if needed)

For more information, visit the DfT's carbon calculator page.


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