DfT announces £29m for Sustainable Travel City

Wed 13 May 2009 View all news

Large conurbations across England are being given the opportunity to bid to become the country's first Sustainable Travel City. Over the next three years, the Department for Transport will invest in at least one of England’s largest cities to encourage greener travel choices.

Plans to be submitted could include supporting walking, cycling and initiatives which improve public transport. They may also include personalised and on-line travel planning, car sharing and other innovative car schemes and 20mph zones. The aim of England’s Sustainable Travel City is to “ease congestion, reduce carbon dioxide emissions and increase levels of physical activity in the local area.”

The 9 eligible urban areas participating are: Greater Manchester; West Midlands; West Yorkshire; South Yorkshire; Tyne and Wear; Merseyside; West of England (Bristol); Nottingham and Leicester.

Transport Minister Paul Clark said: “Our Sustainable Travel Towns have proved that with the right information and improved facilities we can make a real difference to how people travel. Giving people a real alternative to the car not only reduces congestion and carbon emissions but also increases the amount of exercise they take."

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