DfT announces £5m for Clean Vehicle Technology Fund to cut local air pollution

Fri 27 June 2014 View all news

Transport minister Baroness Kramer has announced a £5m Clean Vehicle Technology Fund funding which aims to cut pollution in areas of poor air quality through action at local council level. The Fund will encourage action to cut emissions from buses and other vehicles primarily operating in urban areas.

The funding, up to a maximum of £500,000 for any one council, will enable local authorities to fit technology to cut pollution, treat exhaust fumes or convert vehicles to run on cleaner fuels. The announcement follows £7.3m awarded last year through the Clean Bus Technology Fund which helped modify over 500 buses. 

Transport Minister Baroness Kramer said: "This is our latest step in a major programme of measures to make our air cleaner. We are raising the bar and making sure that the ongoing trend of improving air quality continues."

Details on how to bid for funds are availalbe from the DfT website here.

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