Details of rapid charging fund to improve facilities on motorways and major roads announced

Tue 28 September 2021 View all news

The Office for Zero Emission Vehicles has published guidance about a new rapid charging fund (RCF) which has been set up to help motorway and major road service area operators prepare for greater numbers of battery electric vehicles.

The RCF is a £950 million fund to future-proof electrical capacity at motorway and major A road service areas to prepare the network for 100% zero emissions vehicles (ZEV) uptake.

The fund is open to motorway and major A road service area operators. Details about how to apply for funding will be announced soon. For further information, contact OZEV

The RCF was announced in March 2020 by the Chancellor as part of a £500 million funding commitment to support the rollout of a high-powered network for electric vehicles (EVs) in England.

In May 2020, the Department for Transport (DfT) published a Government vision for the rapid charge point network in England. In that vision, the Government committed to achieving the following targets:

  • by 2023, to have at least 6 high-powered, open-access charge points (150-350 kW capable) at motorway service areas in England
  • by 2030, we expect around 2,500 high-powered, open-access charge points across England’s motorways and major A roads
  • by 2035, we expect around 6,000 high-powered, open-access charge points across England’s motorways and major A roads

The National Infrastructure Strategy, expected to be announced later this year, will define how the sector will be developed and supported. Previous statements have clarified that the Government expects the private sector to deliver charge points where they are commercially viable and that Government should only intervene when there is a 'clear market failure'.


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