Consumers ready and willing to act on climate change - SDC report
Sun 05 March 2006
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A new report from the Government's advisory body, the Sustainable Development Commission - "I will if you will: towards sustainable consumption" - concludes that consumers are ready and willing to act on climate change and the environment, but are lacking in motivation because they feel their efforts may be isolated and in vain.
The report summarises the conclusions of the Sustainable Consumption Roundtable, jointly hosted by the National Consumer Council and the Sustainable Development Commission. It says that Britain already boasts a select range of sustainability success stories, which are down to a positive lead from business and government. To make these work across the economy, government and business must get radical solutions into consumers’ lives.
The key conclusions are that there is space for improvement and that government has a key role in realising the potential for change. There is support for carbon offsetting and micro-generation to bring real choices down to the domestic level.
On road transport the report says that more affordable, low carbon cars are needed where other options - walking/cycling/public transport - are not available.
The report says that the burden must not be put solely at the door of 'green consumers' and that there needs to be a clear system of 'roadmapping' to improve the environmental performance of high impact products.
There is also a need for bold leadership and to show people that they are not acting alone but are part of something bigger.
Related Links
Sustainable Development Commission - report download link
Summary report link
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