Commission publishes impact assessment of planned 2012 car emission targets

Wed 04 April 2007 View all news

The cost of reaching the EU's mandatory goal of cutting new car carbon emission to 120g/km by 2012 will cost between 10 and 23bn Euros to achieve according to the European Commission's delayed impact assessment of the plans announced in February.

According to the EC's analysis it will cost €10-23bn to reach the EU target, or €24-54 per tonne of CO2 abated. The lower figures assume the widespread use of taxes and consumer awareness-raising to increase demand for more efficient cars.

According to a report in ENDS, the assessment may have been delayed because of the tussle between the EU's environment and industry commissioners over how vehicle emissions should be tackled.

ENDS reports that the figures are broadly in line with an earlier draft of the impact assessment seen by them in 2006, but other parts of the draft have undergone dramatic changes in the final version.

For example, a warning that the planned measures would lead to "decreased car exports and increased imports" and "some shifting of jobs and production outside the EU" has gone from the latest draft as has a prediction that small car sales would decrease and larger vehicle sales would increase.

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