Climate change a commercial opportunity - business survey
Fri 20 May 2005
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"Any company that can contribute to a low-carbon economy has an opportunity" said one contributor to a survey by Article 13 on business attitudes to climate change.
More than 80% of FTSE 500 companies said they expected to consider climate change issues in 2005, including 21% at board level - a rise from 12% in 2004.
Some business representatives who were interviewed in the survey saw a critical role for business in creating the technology to mitigate the onset and effects of climate change.
When asked about the most radical innovations of which they could conceive, nearly 60% of respondents talked about the research and development of renewable fuels, especially with regard to cars and transportation.
Two-thirds of companies also saw climate change as a possible threat to the long-term sustainability of their companies and as likely to lead to higher costs.
Related Links
Article 13: "Climate Change and Poverty: A Business Opportunity?" briefing link
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