Change in the LowCVP Secretariat team
Wed 19 December 2018
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The LowCVP secretariat team is sad to announce that Szilvia Libor, the Partnership's Membership Coordinator, will be leaving this Christmas to take up a role closer to her home.
Szilvia has worked with the LowCVP team since 2012, moving into the role of Membership Coordinator after joining as a team assistant. After the birth of her daughter in 2014, Szilvia converted to a part-time role. She has been the main point of contact on all types of membership issues and will be very much missed by her secretariat colleagues.
She has supported an increase in the LowCVP's membership - of more than 25% to over 200 member organisations - and an even larger increase in attendance at, and engagement with, LowCVP's Working Groups and other project activities.
Much of Szilvia's role will be taken on by Carolyn Webb, the Partnership's Team Coordinator, who joined the team earlier this year. Other activities will intially be shared between other members of the growing LowCVP team.
Szilvia will be moving to a job working for a local charity and is very glad to say that she'll be able to walk to the new office. (Her decision to move, she says, was down to the regular frustrations caused by her local train operatorn rather than any kind of weariness with the low carbon agenda.)
The rest of the secretariat team and the many members she has supported over the years wish her well in this role and for the future.
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