CBI calls for eco-driving to be included in driving test

Wed 03 March 2010 View all news

The employers' organisation the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) has called for mandatory energy efficiency testing as part of the driving test. Smooth driving and the avoidance of sharp braking or acceleration can reduce fuel use by 5-10% and save drivers £200-250 a year, according to the report, Tackling Climate Change closer to home.

Dr Neil Bentley, the CBI's director of business environment, said: "More than a quarter of the UK's greenhouse gases come from personal transport, half of which is from cars. Learner drivers already have to demonstrate that they can drive in a fuel-efficient way during the course of their driving test, but this is not a pass or fail element."

The 8-pager was launched together with an interactive website featuring recommendations aimed at accelerating the development of greener homes and vehicles, and making it simpler for UK plc to help their staff cut carbon emissions. This includes a proposed scrappage scheme for white goods.

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