California could mandate 30% CO2 cut from cars by 2014
Wed 07 April 2004
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The California Air Resources Board (CARB) have issued draft proposals stating that greenhouse gas emissions from cars should be cut 23 percent by 2011 and nearly 30 percent by 2014.
A law signed in 2002, requires CARB to set emission standards, starting this year, for carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.
The regulations could encourage similar steps in other states, though car makers have threatened to sue over standards they say should be set only by the federal government.
CARB estimate that the average cost of meeting the first phase of the new emissions requirements, for model years 2009 through 2011, would add $241 to the cost of a light-duty passenger cars and $326 to a large pickup or sport utility vehicle.
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CARB news release
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