BMW and Sixt to bring point-to-point car club, DriveNow, to London

Fri 13 June 2014 View all news

BMW and car rental firm Sixt is planning to launch a point-to-point car club in London. BMW/Sixt’s DriveNow venture was launched in Munich in 2011 and now operates in five German cities (Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, and Dusseldorf) plus San Francisco. The move comes very shortly after the operator of the UK’s first such scheme car2go, left the market. 

LTT reports that DriveNow is looking to launch in London this summer or autumn. 

DriveNow recently rolled out electric cars from the BMW ActivatE the five cities it operates in. The cars can travel up to 90km before needing to be recharged and can be topped up at various ports located across the respective cities. 

DriveNow describes itself as 'a car sharing mobility concept which provides customers with the availability to hire a car no matter where they are, with complete flexibilit'y. 

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