Bioenergy use critical to meeting carbon targets according to new CCC report

Thu 08 December 2011 View all news

Carbon budgets will be very difficult to achieve without the use of bioenergy, and the successful development of Carbon Capture and Storage technology, according to a review of bioenergy by the Committee on Climate Change (CCC).

The review concludes that a 10% share of bioenergy in total energy could be required to meet the UK’s 2050 emissions target, compared to the current share of 2%. Bioenergy would ideally be used with CCS, which would allow for the removal of carbon from the atmosphere and for higher emissions reductions to be achieved.

The review suggests that a 10% share in 2050 could be feasible within sustainability limits, but any higher than this could be unsafe given sustainability concerns – and even at the 10% level, there may be trade-offs with wider environmental and social objectives.

In the report the Committee makes five key recommendations to the Government.

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