Best Practice Principles for environmental marketing re-launched

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Mon 28 November 2011 View all news

Acting in response to growing consumer demand for greater transparency in marketing campaigns, the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership (LowCVP), the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT), and ISBA (the voice of British advertisers) have joined forces to launch a revised Best Practice Principles for environmental claims in consumer marketing.

The Principles, outlined during a webinar attended by industry representatives and stakeholders on 28 November, provides a framework and reference point for automotive companies and their marketing teams when developing environmental messages used in advertising and other promotional materials including news releases, reports and websites.

In line with the new digital media remit of the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), and Government’s publication of the Green Claims Guidance earlier this year, the principles have been updated and expanded to encompass advice on using social networking sites and digital media platforms togethwer with greater clarity on the appropriate use of vehicle comparisons within marketing campaigns.

Greg Archer, Managing Director of the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership said: “Consumers need to believe in marketing messages if they are to accept and adopt lower carbon options.

“With the increasing number of media channels through which we communicate it is vitally important that these principles adapt to remain relevant in order to continue to give car buyers confidence that the environmental benefits they see described are real.”

The LowCVP and some vehicle manufacturers are keen to develop the Best Practice Principles for possible guidance on electric vehicle marketing activities.

For more information, please follow the associated links.

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