BERR's NAIGT sets out its 20 year vision for the automotive industry

Thu 07 May 2009 View all news

The New Automotive Innovation and Growth Team (NAIGT) has published its report into the future direction of UK automotive sector. Among the key recommendations to Government and industry is the proposal to establish a joint industry and government Automotive Council to “develop, guide and implement a long term strategic framework for the industry”.

The NAIGT, chaired by Richard Parry-Jones, the former Vice President and Chief Technical Officer of Ford Motor Company, was launched in April 2008 to facilitate a collective strategic view from the industry of the innovation and growth challenges that it faces. It is an industry-led project facilitated by BERR's Automotive Unit.

The NAIGT's report also recommends that there is an increased focus on the UK R&D agenda around a new industry-consensus technology roadmap. It also proposes the establishment of "Test Bed UK" a large scale pilot to develop, demonstrate and build the new low-carbon personal transportation system including its infrastructure.

Other recommendations focus on:

* Creating a transformed business environment in the UK to provide a more compelling investment proposition versus other countries;

* Agreeing on the technology roadmaps for low carbon vehicles and fuels and exploiting opportunities to promote the UK as a strong candidate to develop these and other technologies; and

* Developing a stronger and more competitive supply chain through joint research on focussed areas, skills development and the enhancement and brokering of collaboration opportunities for achieving effective scale in R&D and core technology components.

For more information about the NAIGT's report, follow the associated links.

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