Viscount Nuffield Lecture: "Driving you round the bend" by Robert Rickell

Add to Calendar 2008-01-31 18.00 2008-01-31 Europe/London Viscount Nuffield Lecture: "Driving you round the bend" by Robert Rickell This lecture by Rob Rickell will examine the development of an innovative new design of constant velocity joint (CVJ) for passenger car drivelines. This has been the first major change since the basic concept of the CVJ was developed in the 1930s by Alfred Rzeppa. The lecture will provide the opportunity to find out more about the innovative design of the new joint, which will result in improved fuel economy and a reduction in CO2 emissions. IMC, University of Warwick
Date:31 Jan 2008
Website:Visit website
Location:IMC, University of Warwick
Full Address:Main Lecture Theatre, International Manufacturing Centre (IMC), University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK

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