Unlocking sustainable growth in the city regions

Add to Calendar 2017-09-14 10:00 2017-09-14 15:30 Europe/London Unlocking sustainable growth in the city regions

This Energy Saving Trust event will examine low carbon housing, city energy planning and sustainable transport issues.  It will look at how cities can best deliver low carbon transport solutions and infrastructure to improve local air quality and meet future mobility needs, the potential of integrated urban energy planning and the opportunities to map out its energy system through to 2050 as well as solutions for transforming energy performance of new and existing housing. 

Energy Systems Catapult
Date:14 Sep 2017
Time:10:00 - 15:30
Location:Energy Systems Catapult
Full Address:

Energy Systems Catapult, 7th Floor, Cannon House, 18 Priory Queensway, Birmingham B4 6BS


This Energy Saving Trust event will examine low carbon housing, city energy planning and sustainable transport issues.   It will look at how cities can best deliver low carbon transport solutions and infrastructure to improve local air quality and meet future mobility needs, the potential of integrated urban energy planning and the opportunities to map out its energy system through to 2050 as well as solutions for transforming energy performance of new and existing housing. 

Sustainable Transport speakers

- Mike Waters, Head of Policy and Strategy, Transport for West Midlands, on using new technologies to improve regional transport infrastructure and tackle local air quality issue

- Erik Fairbairn, CEO & Founder, POD Point, on the enabling role of local government in creating the right market conditions to attract private sector investment, in particular in relation to electric vehicle charging infrastructure

- ClientEarth (speaker to be confirmed), on their work holding Government to account on its air quality targets and the role of cities in improving air quality as part of the Government's plan

- Andrew Benfield, Group Director of Transport, Energy Saving Trust, on the options and benefits for cities and regions in taking the lead on the low carbon transport agenda. 

Urban Energy Planning speakers

- Mark Atherton, Director of Environment, Greater Manchester Combined Authority, on their experience bringing together transport and buildings strategy through the Energy Path Network model

- Tony Dicicco, Senior Policy and Regulations Specialist, Energy Systems Catapult on the progress of the Smart Systems and Heat programme

- Peter Franklin, Business Development Manager, Energy Saving Trust, who will explain the joint EST/UCL interactive city energy demand modelling tool and how it could be used in your area.

Low Carbon Housing speakers

- Stephen Hills, Housing Lead, Cambridge and Peterborough Combined Authority on the authority's plans around Modern Methods of Construction and their Quality Charter for housing standards

- Richard Twinn, Policy Adviser, UK Green Building Council, on their work supporting cities and combined authorities deliver ambitious new build and retrofit policies

- David Weatherall, Head of Policy, Energy Saving Trust on identifying the hardest to reach fuel poor households.

Please register your interest if you would like to attend.

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