UK Biomethane Day 2013

Add to Calendar 2013-05-21 09:30 2013-05-21 16:00 Europe/London UK Biomethane Day 2013 UK Biomethane Day 2013 is about bringing everyone involved in the sector together to network and learn from industry experts, talking about first hand experience on current projects within the UK. Attendees will receive a briefing pack and have an opportunity to talk face-to-face with representatives of the gas distribution networks and all the key suppliers in the biomethane market. Major exhibitors are already confirmed for 2013, following the success of the 2012 event. National Motorcycle Museum, Birmingham
Date:21 May 2013
Time:09:30 - 16:00
Website:Visit website
Contact:Angela Bagshaw
Location:National Motorcycle Museum, Birmingham


UK Biomethane Day 2013 is about bringing everyone involved in the sector together to network and learn from industry experts, talking about first hand experience on current projects within the UK. Attendees will receive a briefing pack and have an opportunity to talk face-to-face with representatives of the gas distribution networks and all the key suppliers in the biomethane market. Major exhibitors are already confirmed for 2013, following the success of the 2012 event.

The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) has created a big financial impetus for the injection of biomethane into the gas grid. The present RHI applies to projects completed by 1st AprIl 2015 and this event is designed to help delegates to take advantage of this opportunity.

Enhanced Networking

To ensure delegates meet with the exhibitors and suppliers they wish to during the event, delegates will be given the opportunity to choose which industry experts they want to meet with over lunch.

New for 2013: Gas Vehicle Roadshow

Gas vehicle manufacturers will be on hand to demo their Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) powered vehicles to potential customers. Come along to see the CNG/biomethane powered vehicles that are now available in the UK.

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