TSB Off-Highway Vehicle Competition Scoping Workshop

Add to Calendar 2014-06-02 09:30 2014-06-02 14:00 Europe/London TSB Off-Highway Vehicle Competition Scoping Workshop

The Technology Strategy Board is researching the needs and opportunities for a market intervention around the Off-Highway Vehicle sector, and would like to invite innovative UK companies and research organisations to a half-day workshop.

Crowne Plaza, Birmingham NEC
Date:02 Jun 2014
Time:09:30 - 14:00
Website:Visit website
Contact:Jonathan Horsley, Technology Strategy Board
Location:Crowne Plaza, Birmingham NEC
Full Address:

Crowne Plaza Hotel, Birmingham NEC, B40 1PS


The Technology Strategy Board is researching the needs and opportunities for a market intervention around the Off-Highway Vehicle sector, and would like to invite innovative UK companies and research organisations to a half-day workshop. 

The following sectors are invited to attend:

  • Off-Highway Vehicle producers
  • On-vehicle technology supply-chain to the above
  • Technology developers from other transport sectors, e.g. on-road, who have technology which could be ported into an off-highway vehicle application
  • Developers of off-vehicle technology which could improve the machine efficiency of off-highway vehicles
  • Are active in other automotive-related supply-chains but would like to collaborate with the off-highway sector

The UK off-highway vehicle manufacturing sector is already very active with several well known names producing and developing their vehicles in the UK and home & export markets. With the current & future challenges facing the sector, there are good opportunities to collaborate with technology developers in road vehicle, advance materials, and other transport sectors.

The free-to-attend workshop will be an open forum in which the scope of a funding competition will be discussed, and input from delegates will help shape any future funding competition call. 

The half-day session will comprise:

  • A description of the competition scope as it currently stands
  • Opportunities for attendees to input their views on the challenges facing the OH vehicle sector, as well as the opportunities in the sector for UK plc
  • An outline (aimed at newcomers to Technology Strategy Board CR&D funding) of how the competition process runs, and how the grand funding is delivered. 

Registration will begin from 9.30am with a networking lunch served at 1pm before the event closes at approximately 2pm. 

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