The Rushlight Show

Add to Calendar 2014-01-30 2014-01-30 Europe/London The Rushlight Show

The 5th Rushlight Show will includes the Funding Cleantech Conference; Resource Management Conference, Sustainable Solutions Market Panel, Isle of Man breakfast seminar.

Central London
Date:30 Jan 2014
Website:Visit website
Location:Central London
Full Address:

Royal College of Surgeons,

Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London


The 5th Rushlight Show will includes the Funding Cleantech Conference; Resource Management Conference, Sustainable Solutions Market Panel, Isle of Man breakfast seminar:

1.       The Funding Cleantech Conference, which covers all aspects of funding both companies and projects and includes the opportunity for delegates to present their funding requests to expert panels of active cleantech investors and project financiers.

2.       The Resource Management Conference, in association with LCRN, which this year will focus on the development of reuse and activities in that area, with direct input from local authorities, waste operators, government departments, community schemes and investors.

3.       The Sustainable Solutions Market Panel, where cleantech companies can present their products and services directly to a panel of leading sustainability and procurement representatives from corporate UK who are seeking to further their supply chain sustainability and resilience.

4.       Isle of Man breakfast seminar on offshore renewables and eco-island opportunities, updating everyone on the very latest position regarding offshore wind and marine energy, plus the conversion of the island to an eco-island the business opportunities that will provide.

Speakers include: Colin Church, Director Waste Policy, DEFRA; Julie Hill, Green Alliance and Chair of Circular Economy Task Force; Ian Ellerington, Head of Innovation Delivery, DECC; Peter Knott, Head of Risk, Green Investment Bank; Inder Poonaji, Head of Sustainability Nestle; Andrew Buglass, Head of Power Structured Finance, RBS; Wayne Hubbard, COO London Waste and Recycling Board; Mike Dunn, Director, Iona Capital; Kresse Wessling, Founder Elvis & Kresse; Rachel Lombardi, Director International Synergies and NISP; Stuart Hayward-Higham, Head New Market Business Development, Sita UK; Jeremy Harrison, Technical Head, Eon New Build & Technology. 

A range of other organisations are involved in the programme including: the Carbon Trust, PNO Consultants, CrowdMission, Waste2tricity, Green Biologics Ltd, Abundance Energy, Pure Leapfrog, Greencoat Capital, Turquoise Corporate Finance, First Mile Recycling, CIWM, Simply Waste Solutions, West London Waste Authority, LCRN and London Reuse Network; a range of active investors and financiers; local authorities; community reuse schemes; and leading sustainability professionals from a range of organisations. 

Full event details are available on the website. Delegate places for the whole show start at £50/ £75/ £125 + VAT. If you wish to attend just the Isle of Man Breakfast element of the day, the cost is £20 + VAT, or the breakfast event is free for those registered for the whole day.  Registration for all aspects of the event is here

Companies interested in pitching either to investors, financiers or potential major new corporate customers merely have to register as a delegate(s) and then apply to the organiser for one of the slots.  They will be allocated on a simple first-come-first-served basis.

The event is sponsored by the Isle of Man Dept of Economic Development.

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