
Add to Calendar 2015-03-26 2015-03-26 Europe/London #SMMTConnected

The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, the UK’s automotive industry trade body, is organising the #SMMTConnected, the UK’s first-ever high profile event on connected and autonomous vehicles, on 26 March at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London.

Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London.
Date:26 Mar 2015
Website:Visit website
Contact:E-mail connected@smmt.co.uk or call 0808 178 8818.
Location:Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London.


The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, the UK’s automotive industry trade body, is organising the #SMMTConnected, the UK’s first-ever high profile event on connected and autonomous vehicles, on 26 March at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London.

The event will bring together around 300 participants from a wide range of connected and autonomous vehicle stakeholders – from the global automotive industry to key adjacent industries such as other transport networks, technology, telecoms, creative and digital, business and professional services, legal, and insurance. Themes that will be covered straddle policy, technology, business/economics, industrial and social.

The event will explore the UK’s potential to become a centre of excellence for connected and autonomous vehicles and will be the start of SMMT’s drive to accelerate collaboration and partnership between our sector, government, academia and all key players in the market. 

Government keynotes will be given by  Robert Goodwill MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Transport and Ed Vaizey MP, Minister of  State at the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. 

Further details on the event and booking information can be found in the flyer attached.

 The SMMT looks forward to welcoming you to #SMMTConnected.

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