Date:03 Dec 2019
Time:0900 - 17:00
Website:Visit website
Location:Osborne Clarke LLP
Full Address:
One London Wall, London EC2Y 5EB
Electrification should help decarbonise passenger car transport in the future, but heavier haulage, shipping and aviation are far more challenging sectors. A new sub-target for strategic fuels for these sectors was introduced on 1st January 2019, via the amended Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO).
This Development Fuels sub-target requires oil companies to source a growing percentage of their supply from fuels such as renewable aviation and drop in fuels, hydrogen or synthetic natural gas made from eligible feedstocks. The eligible feedstocks comprise biomass wastes (but not those currently used in the making of biodiesel) and fuels made from renewable electricity. What role might Development Fuels play, and what potential is there for more conventional biofuels, such as higher blend biodiesel and HVO? To what extent might off-gas grid, hard to heat housing compete for these fuels?
Come to this conference to find out what the fuels of the future might be for trucks, trains, boats and planes; hear about the technologies involved; meet the companies developing these fuels and see how the DfT is taking the first steps in encouraging the transformation of fuelling these hard-to-decarbonise sectors.