Next steps for transport policy in London and the South East

Add to Calendar 2014-11-20 09:00 2014-11-2013:00 Europe/London Next steps for transport policy in London and the South East

This seminar will discuss progress on the Mayor's Transport Strategy and and next steps for improving capacity and efficiency for rail, the underground, roads and buses.

Central London
Date:20 Nov 2014
Website:Visit website
Contact:Joanna Moat on 01344 864796 or
Location:Central London
Full Address:

Central London


This seminar will discuss progress on the Mayor's Transport Strategy; and next steps for improving capacity and efficiency for rail, the underground, roads and buses.
With the transport system facing increasing pressure, delegates will consider the impact of the updated vision for the tube; discussion surrounding Crossrail 2; and what more can be done to meet the key aims of the strategy - including economic development and enhanced quality of life for Londoners.
Further sessions will focus on the wider integration of transport in the Capital, and priority issues for roads, the overground, London's waterways, and for cycling.
For more information, including the full speakers list, please visit the event website

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