Net Zero Week 2022 (2-8 July)

Add to Calendar 2022-07-02 2022-07-08 Europe/London Net Zero Week 2022 (2-8 July)

Net Zero Week is a national awareness week; a focal point for generating awareness and momentum for businesses and consumers starting the journey to decarbonise, acting as an information hub for those already on their way. It is an annual event, this year taking place in the week of 2-8 July.

Date:02 Jul 2022 - 08 Jul 2022
Website:Visit website


Net Zero Week is a national awareness week; a focal point for generating awareness and momentum for businesses and consumers starting the journey to decarbonise, acting as an information hub for those already on their way. It is an annual event, this year taking place in the week of 2-8 July.

Net Zero Week features a series of live on-line events, focusing on different aspects of the net zero transition.

For example, an event on 7 July, hosted by EDF will focus on: "What the energy market crisis means for net zero" (Booking link.)

Other events will look at a range of subjects including others focused on energy as well as energy efficiency, sustainable materials, finance, renewable transport fuels and modal shift. (See this link for full details.)

Reaching net zero will require many new measures, innovative solutions, aggressive government policies and plenty of human effort both at work and at home.

The national awareness week offers all stakeholders a dedicated platform to voice opinions, share evidence, explore strategy, and highlight solutions in our shared journey towards net zero.

The content is split into two distinct areas – business and consumer.

The business section will be content-led aimed at professionals that require insight, evidence-based material, and thought-leadership articles to aid them in their task of decarbonising their organisation no matter what role they have.

The consumer section will be more advice driven, exploring lifestyle choices and their direct benefits. 

Zemo Partnership is a supporting partner of Net Zero Week.


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