My Electric Avenue webinar: Driving Together for a Cleaner Future - Early Trial Results

Add to Calendar 2015-07-08 11:00am 2015-07-08 11:40am Europe/London My Electric Avenue webinar: Driving Together for a Cleaner Future - Early Trial Results

My Electric Avenue is hosting its first webinar specifically for the automotive and electric vehicle charging sectors. The webinar will share early results from the trials and provide an introduction to My Electric Avenue. 

Date:08 Jul 2015
Time:11:00am - 11:40am
Website:Visit website
Contact:Register at


My Electric Avenue is hosting its first webinar specifically for the automotive and EV charging sectors. Managed and delivered by EA Technology, My Electric Avenue is a pioneering Ofgem Low Carbon Networks Fund project trialling ‘Esprit’, a technology to manage and remotely control EV charging with the aim of alleviating stress on local electricity networks. We have engaged 200 customers in both clustered and non-clustered scenarios to drive an electric vehicle for 18 months; the clustered trialists have been testing Esprit.

My Electric Avenue warmly invites you to join our latest webinar, which will share early results from the trials. The webinar will give an insight into:

  • EV charging and driving behaviours, based on over 200 real customers
  • Perceptions of EVs, and of controlled charging
  • The real effect of Esprit on charging – interruptions and frequency
  • How a trial can boost interest in EVs, and conversion to future sales/leasing opportunities

To register your interest, please send your name, organisation, email address and telephone number to

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