LowCVP's Zero Emission Bus Workshop - Guildford

Zemo Partnership EventZemo Partnership Event
Add to Calendar 2019-06-13 10:00 2019-06-13 14:00 Europe/London LowCVP's Zero Emission Bus Workshop - Guildford

As part of LowCVP's Zero Emission Bus Workshop Series, a free workshop will be held near Guildford looking at how on-site battery storage has been deployed to support the electrification of bus services in partnership with Zenobe Energy, Stagecoach Bus, Alexander Dennis and BYD.

Broadwater Pavilion - Guildford Rugby Club
Date:13 Jun 2019
Time:10:00 - 14:00
Website:Visit website
Location:Broadwater Pavilion - Guildford Rugby Club
Full Address:

Broadwater Pavilion - Guildford Rugby Club, Guildford Road, Godlaming, GU7 3DH


As part of LowCVP's Zero Emission Bus Workshop Series, a free workshop will be held near Guildford looking at how on-site battery storage has been deployed to support the electrification of bus services in partnership with Zenobe Energy, Stagecoach Bus, Alexander Dennis and BYD.

Register for Tickets 

The workshop will include a tour of the infrastructure at Stagecoach's bus depot which is home to 9 electric buses that operate on a Park and Ride service into Guildford.

The workshop is aimed at local authorities and fleet operators who are interested in understanding how battery storage can complement depot-based charging of electric vehicles with large power and energy requirements.

Discussions will include how cost and time savings can be achieved by reducing the need to upgrade the local electricity network, how smart and time-of-use charging can reduce energy costs and how the batteries can be used to support the local grid in times of high demand.


Agenda: 10:00 - 14:00, Guildford Rugby Club

  • LowCVP - National Policy Outlook
  • Zenobe Energy - Battery deployment and innovative financing for EVs and supporting infrastructure
  • Surrey County Council - Transport Strategy; Park and Ride Services
  • Stagecoach South - Operational Experience of EV buses
  • Alexander Dennis - Ultra Low and Zero Emission Bus manufacture
  • BYD - Battery Electric Bus Deployment
  • Site Tour of battery storage and charging infrastructure at Stagecoach depot

The event will finish with a free lunch back at the Rugby club for further networking.

Arriving by Public Transport (Train & Bus) – Nearest Station is Farncombe

The nearest train station to the venue is Farncombe, with a 20 min walk to the rugby club pavilion: https://goo.gl/maps/KftUQkjzrZuMMVus7

For those arriving to Guildford Train Station, a short walk to the Friary bus stop will enable you to take the 42,70 or 71 bus (towards Godalming) to Broadwater Park bus stop: https://goo.gl/maps/b9PgQFJRSRavLtf29 

Arriving by Car

Parking will be available at the Rugby Club free of charge: https://goo.gl/maps/9HrhrQo8ioimD2nq9

For further questions please contact Daniel.hayes@lowcvp.org.uk / 0207 973 1244


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