Low Emission Taxi Workshop

Zemo Partnership EventZemo Partnership Event
Add to Calendar 2019-01-14 10:00 2019-01-14 13:45 Europe/London Low Emission Taxi Workshop

The Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership is holding a 'Low Emission Taxi Workshop' to outline the range of low emission taxi technologies and fuels as well as to provide guidance on the provision of electric vehicle charging infrastructure. The event - which is free to delegates - is primarily targeted at local authority representatives and those otherwise involved in ensuring that taxi and private hire fleets become cleaner and greener.

Birmingham City Council
Date:14 Jan 2019
Time:10:00 - 13:45
Website:Visit website
Location:Birmingham City Council
Full Address:

Council House, Victoria Square, Birmingham, B1 1BB


The Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership is holding a 'Low Emission Taxi Workshop' to outline the range of low emission taxi technologies and fuels as well as to provide guidance on the provision of electric vehicle charging infrastructure. The event - which is free to delegates - is primarily targeted at local authority representatives and those otherwise involved in ensuring that taxi and private hire fleets become cleaner and greener.

An overview of national and local policies and measures will be presented at the Workshop. Case studies will be presented bylocal authorities that are already deploying low and ultra-low emission taxis and minicabs.

The Workshop is a follow-up to the October publication of 'The Low Emission Taxi Guide' produced by the LowCVP in collaboration with Energy Saving Trust. (More details here.)

Presentations from the workshop are now available to download 



  • Welcome & overview of the workshop - Gloria Esposito, LowCVP

National Policy Perspective

  • The Road to Zero Strategy, and taxi charging infrastructure - Edward Nelson, Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV)
  • The Low Emission Taxi Guide; Technology and Local Policy Measures - Gloria Esposito, LowCVP
  • Regulatory Incentives; What are Cities Doing to promote Low Emission Taxis? - Carl Christie, Cenex
  • Supporting the Private Hire Trade - Rob Jolly, RentE

Local Government Case Studies

  • Ultra Low Emission Taxis Scheme Nottingham - Rasita Chudasama, Nottingham City Council 
  • Clean Air Zone development and retrofit LPG taxi project - Sylvia Broadley, Birmingham City Council
  • Installing EV Infrastructure & lesson learned -  Paul Nicholls, Brighton & Hove Council 
  • Question and Answer Session - Chaired by Luke Redfern, EST

Lunch will be provided and attendees have a chance to see a lower emission taxi on display outside the Council offices.

Click here to register for tickets


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