Innovation, Energy and the Environment

Add to Calendar 2008-10-08 2.30pm 2008-10-08 Europe/London Innovation, Energy and the Environment Bringing together technology, innovation, investment and the public good is never easy but the environment and energy sectors seem to be especially bad at it. The reasons for this and some possible answers will be discussed by Dr Jack Frost, Director, Johnson Matthey Fuel Cells, together with some case studies and examples. Imperial College, London
Date:08 Oct 2008
Website:Visit website
Location:Imperial College, London
Full Address:Sir Alexander Fleming Building Lecture Theatre G34, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, Imperial College London


Bringing together technology, innovation, investment and the public good is never easy but the environment and energy sectors seem to be especially bad at it. The reasons for this and some possible answers will be discussed by Dr Jack Frost, Director, Johnson Matthey Fuel Cells, together with some case studies and examples.

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