Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Conference HEVC11

Add to Calendar 2011-05-18 09:00 2011-05-19 Europe/London Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Conference HEVC11 The key objective of the event is to raise awareness and stimulate debate on hybrid and eco-friendly vehicles and through a combination of presentations and workshops, formulate future strategy. Int'l Digital Laboratory, Warwick University
Date:18 May 2011 - 19 May 2011
Website:Visit website
Contact:Lynda Grice 01509 635 762
Location:Int'l Digital Laboratory, Warwick University
Full Address:International Digital Laboratory Gibbet Hill Road Coventry CV4 7AL


The key objective of the event is to raise awareness and stimulate debate on hybrid and eco-friendly vehicles, and through a combination of presentations and workshops, formulate future strategy.

The event will bring together Academia, Industry and Government to consider all of the issues associated with ensuring a successful future. 
There will be an indoor and outdoor exhibition of technology and service by providers who will display products, services and research & development activities relating to this expanding discipline will also be a feature.

To enable networking in a more informal atmosphere included into the delegate rate is an invite to Warwick Castle for a 5 course Gala Dinner and night of medieval entertainment.

- 2 Day Delegate rate including evening gala dinner is £249 plus VAT
- 2 Day Delegate rate excluding evening gala dinner is £199 plus VAT

For those of you interested in exhibiting both indoor and outdoor please contact us directly in the first instance for more information. Exhibition packages are available at £600 plus VAT including the Gala Dinner.

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