Green in the City Special, The Future of the Car (forum and networking, London)

Add to Calendar 2015-06-25 18.00 2015-06-2521.00 Europe/London Green in the City Special, The Future of the Car (forum and networking, London)

Evening forum and networking session discussing the future of the car with expert panel including Quentin Wilson, Robert Lewellyn, Dr Andrew Atkings and Iain Bomphray. Discount available for LowCVP members.

BDO LLP 55 Baker Street, London W1
Date:25 Jun 2015
Website:Visit website
Location:BDO LLP 55 Baker Street, London W1
Full Address:

BDO LLP 55 Baker Street London Greater London W1U 7EU

Discount for Zemo Partnership members


Expert panel debate into the future of the car including audience Q&A and networking.

Panel: Quentin Wilson, Robert Lewellyn, Dr Andrew Atkins (Ricardo AEA), Iain Bomphray (Williams F1).

Topics to be covered include:

  • What will our cars look like in 10/20 years time?
  • How transparent is the supply chain – are sufficient measures being taken along its length to understand & reduce emissions?
  • Is the sector being driven by the needs of competing technologies – is infrastructure keeping pace?
  • Given that AFV vehicles remain at around 1.4%, can the industry provide vehicles/fuel at a cheap/reliable enough level for consumers to really engage with ‘green’ cars?
  • How green can ‘traditional’ cars go? Is the mobility eco-system too complex for manufacturers and investors to know where to ‘bet’ Can/should one fuel/technology dominate?

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