Gas Vehicle Workshop - Transport Scotland

Zemo Partnership EventZemo Partnership Event
Add to Calendar 2016-05-16 10:00 2016-05-16 14:00 Europe/London Gas Vehicle Workshop - Transport Scotland

A workshop hosted by Transport Scotland for local authorities and fleet managers of commercial vehicles to discuss and highlight the potential role that gaseous fuels, vehicles and supporting infrastrucutre can play in contributing to tackling air quality and climate change. 

Transport Scotland, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh
Date:16 May 2016
Time:10:00 - 14:00
Location:Transport Scotland, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh
Full Address:

Transport Scotland, Victoria Quay,


A workshop hosted by Transport Scotland for local authorities and fleet managers of commercial vehicles to discuss and identify the role that gaseous fuels, vehicles and supporting infrastructure can play in contributing to tackling air quality and climate change.

The presentations from the day are listed below:

1. Policy Challenges - Ewan Swaffield, Transport Scotland

2. Lower Carbon and Cleaner Air - Andy Eastlake, LowCVP

3. Vehicle Technology Introduction - Steve Carroll, Cenex

4. Gas Infrastructure - Celine Cluzel, Element Energy

5. HGV Accreditation Testing - Phil Stones, Millbrook

6. Birmingham LPG Taxi Project - Celine Cluzel, Element Energy

7. LPG and LNG Fuels - Mark Gliks, Calor

8. Operational Experiences of CNG vehicles - Justin Laney, John Lewis Partnership

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